
Showing posts from October, 2019

The 6 Stages of (Resisting) Change

The 6 Stages of (Resisting) Change What happens when we resist change, and why is change inevitable? Whether you’re someone who prefers the comforts of home or you’re an adventurous spirit who loves to explore, change can be scary – even in the best of circumstances! Even though we all have a natural desire for novelty and newness, the human psyche equates anything new or “unknown” with potential danger, and since we must face the unknown in order embrace change, most of us instinctively gravitate towards the familiar, often avoiding change altogether. Just to make matters worse, there’s a whole bunch of common clichés that tell us we should  resist change  at all costs. For example: You have to play the cards you’ve been dealt! Your fate is sealed – so just accept it! Once your bed is made, you have to lie in it! Regardless of whether we’re rhetorical victims of the “ cards we’ve been dealt ” or we’re trapped in a “ bed we’ve made ,” we’re led to believe that we have little power to c