
Showing posts from April, 2014

Beauty or Not

These are pictures  that I changed from not so nice to much more lovely or beautiful. with BeFunky that I got from Google

How and why I lost about seventeen pounds very quickly.

The  first picture taken about 3 years ago and the second about 2 weeks ago and there is a difference in weight. I had been weighing  more then I wanted to after Sharon was born and I may have lost 10 pounds in the last 30 years but gained a lot more especially since moving in with Someone and sitting at the computer a lot as well as eating kinds of food that added to my weight. I was getting up set with the life and how I was treated  and along with what I have been reading and learning through different web sites that  food and your mind set has a lot to do with why a person gains weight.   After a while a lot of clothes were becoming too tight and I couldn't wear them which is another reason.  But the main reason I think is because of learning about how I felt so angry and upset  when I was  listening to another persons way of talking that was so unkind. So I tried different things to help my emotional well being but it wasn't only to lose weight though that was the

Near the end of April 2014 and what i like to eat.

My drink consists of coffee and cocoa mixed with natural agave syrup  and coconut milk and its not over sweetened.  I had a large bowl of fruit.  Cranberries, mixed berries, banana, avocado then I added a smoothie that had peach and banana.  So cold my finger tips because sort of numb and hands were very cold,  Almost shaking from the cold but so delicious.