How and why I lost about seventeen pounds very quickly.

The  first picture taken about 3 years ago and the second about 2 weeks ago and there is a difference in weight.

I had been weighing  more then I wanted to after Sharon was born and I may have lost 10 pounds in the last 30 years but gained a lot more especially since moving in with Someone and sitting at the computer a lot as well as eating kinds of food that added to my weight.

I was getting up set with the life and how I was treated  and along with what I have been reading and learning through different web sites that  food and your mind set has a lot to do with why a person gains weight.   After a while a lot of clothes were becoming too tight and I couldn't wear them which is another reason.  But the main reason I think is because of learning about how I felt so angry and upset  when I was  listening to another persons way of talking that was so unkind. So I tried different things to help my emotional well being but it wasn't only to lose weight though that was the end result.  Truth be told I guess my mind was not so much on losing weight but becoming more spiritual as well as not wanting to eat any thing that had gmo's, and things that were made packaged with lot of chemicals or unnatural ingredients added, and all those things that are not good for me.

One of the first things I stopped eating was beef, pork and chicken. Here  is a video and reading and seeing  that is one reason I quit.  cruelty in slaughtering animals

Then there was the kind of food the animals were fed and kind of places they lived as why as the pesticides used  which included corn that was gmo and which also affects the body of the animal and our own bodies.  It also makes a person feel kind of unwell. Here is a link  animals suffer more then they should

Then the idea about food and a good site that I enjoy and get lots of information from is called natural news which gave me other ideas about changing.

But because we are spiritual beings living in a body there was much more to it then just losing weight.  I needed to get away from my self and people who make me feel uncomfortable and  a person needed to feel love and peace no matter what. so what do I  do??

The fact is  when I learned I  had a lot of blockage and things that come out  as bad energy vibes that are triggered when something makes me feel uncomfortable, helped me to realize  that I needed to get rid of that unkind attitudes and feeling and thoughts that came up especially when hearing other unkind words and feeling from another person. I needed to go inside and decide to like the love and forgiveness flow out and stop the uncomfortable negative vibes in its track before it became worse.  There was a need to not feel like I am a victim.  God has been working on that.  And they are been some amazing and real changing taking place.

One thing I tried for a while is not eating at all but drink lots of water.  Now I know that is very important and possible if you are really ready for that  and have real genuine  love for yourself everyone and the Source,  you may work on it.  This couple who didn't ever need to eat butit got me thinking

So reading, thinking,  meditating and using my intuition things are changing but most important my life is better in so many ways.  More joyful, energetic, loving and feeling more purposeful as well as losing the excess weight.
  But the real need for everyone is be able to ascend as it would be much better then be troubled on this earth and having things going wrong.  This web site: The Music is out of this world and the truth is shown here.   Thank God I found this site.   Just would like to have money to but the music.  I feel it is so very important.

Lots of Love


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