Photon Energy at Ascension

The importance of free photon energy for humanity can be easily perceived when one considers two basic facts that will determine the destiny of all humans on this planet.
The Ascension of planet A in December 2012 will be accomplished by the huge photon wave that is coming from the central sun of the Galaxy and will ultimately transform the current carbon-based bodies of the ascending human entities in crystalline-based, light bodies (see “Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction..). Time of Grace for more to be prepared for the Ascension since it didn't happen in 2012. (my note)
This is one of the infinite functions and applications of photon energy.
At the same time, this photon tsunami, coming from the central sun of Alcyone, will unleash a huge devastation on the remaining earth (planet B) and will render all engines of power, such as electric grid, power stations, and electronic devices, engines of combustion, such as car engines, inutile.
The new quality of photon energy that will flood earth will no longer be compatible with the current rather primitive human technology, about which most blinded young souls are so proud nowadays.
At the same time, most of the new technologies that await the ascended humanity in the lower 5th dimension will be based on free photon energy.
Later on, the role of this kind of energy will diminish, as the ascended human beings will evolve to a higher energetic level and will slowly begin to create directly with “soul energies”. After a certain period of time, they will no longer need external technologies as they have been used in past earth civilizations, such as Lemuria and Atlantis, and have contributed to their destruction. This timeline of human evolution will be now avoided.
As linear time is a hallucinatory construction of the human senses in the 3d-reality, linear time will actually not exist in the 5th dimension, but the memory of it will still be present in human consciousness. Therefore, it is allowed to say from the current point of view that it will take several centuries earth time before the ascended humanity will begin to create from the fulcrum of the soul and will not need free photon energy anymore. But this kind of energy will determine to a large extent the first experiences of all ascended entities in the 5th dimension. Therefore, it is mandatory that we discuss it in detail now.
The greatest fallacy of modern empiric science is its inability to understand the Nature of free photon energy. This understanding has been precluded by a number of wrong scientific concepts, which I will elucidate for the sake of clarity in this article.
The first major blunder that modern physics has committed is to assume that photons have no mass. This wrong idea, being, in fact, a greater blunder than the notorious Ptolemaic geocentric system of the Church, has emerged approximately at the same time as Tesla discovered free photon energy. Therefore, I personally believe that this idiosyncrasy is not coincidental, as nothing is in this world.
Physics took the road to perdition after Michelson and Morley performed their famous experiment in order to confirm the existence of ether, which was the term, scientists used at that time to describe free photon energy.  More at this link
Thermal photon gradients are as real as material gradients. And they can be measured. Scientists simply have not looked at Nature from this perspective, otherwise, they would have found the existence of thermal gradients in photon space-time a long time ago.
