Are Egyptian Gods Still in Control?

Q.  Hi Lynn, I recently heard that the ancient Egyptian pharaohs are the ones still in control of our world to this day. Supposedly before their death they could transfer their consciousness into a new body and continue living. Are the current ruling elite descendants from the Egyptian Pharaoh bloodline? I find it very peculiar that Egyptian architecture is used in Washington, Masonic lodges and many other places.   I’d love to know what your take is on the connection.
A.   I get that the ruling class isn't from the Egyptian bloodline (they are actually related to and descendants of Archons), but they like to feel there is a connection to Ra (even though Ra rejected them).  Archons always wanted to control Ra (this goes back thousands of years), or be more powerful than Ra, but that never happened.  

I hear the phrase "the winners write the history" so the ruling class thinks if they incorporate these "symbols" into current ruling times they can allude they took power from Ra, and now have ownership of the symbols, but the symbols do not truly belong to the "rulers of the world."  They (the "rulers" feel these symbols brought Ra success and greatness; therefore, wanted to steal their "power through symbology" for themselves.

Reincarnation (as I have seen it), is very real, and the ancient Egyptians have reincarnated (and some have stayed in spirit).  These Egyptians have incarnated into a variety of leaders and non-leaders.  There are some that are in power, but they are not the bulk of the ruling elite or PTW (Powers That Were).  

It is true that select ruling class members practice in occult activities, but they are taping into their darker Archon side when that happens, not an Egyptian bloodline.

This truly is a case of "saying something, or pretending something for so long, that you hope it to be real," but in this case their darkness of the ruling elite will always be dark...

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn


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