
Showing posts from May, 2014

Friends can meet on a Very Special Network and feel Connected to Like Minded Individuals

Sometimes when you are home alone or in circumstances where it would be nice to have a chat with others who most likely will be understanding and have a refreshing outlook on what you are going through if you are interested in opening up, this location would be one place to go with Love as the key for the interacting. A place to meet and chat

Can You Know Constant Joy and Love ...Yes You Can

You may wonder how in this daily life when there are things going on in life that affect you to be constantly happy.  How do you really feel about getting into a state that nothing is going to get you down and you have so much love for everyone. I know there is a way and it is happening in my life.  It was not easy but the way is so blessed. Click on the picture.   I like smoothies with fruit and also regular meals with protein and vegetables and it helps balance out mods.

Can the Christ Clarify what he says about how he made the miracles happen in the days he lived on earth?

As he spoke to the crowd that followed him he also produced the miracle of feeding them and the explanation  is given in the words that they didn't understand but perhaps now we can. The story of Jesus speaking to the crowd (link) Christ Has Returned Indeed

Peace, Healing, Provision Are all simply received

Have you ever just enjoyed the sense of peace when you are not worrying about the future or going over incidences that bothered you from something that has happened that has made you unhappy.  Why let your mind dwell on those things.  do you think that things will get better with those thoughts? This video shows about life as it was meant to live.    He is talking in Florida about how he discovered hope and real peace no matter what

Psychics and their amazing abilities.

We  know the future is not cut in stone and  can change  but  to hone into others thoughts whether they be aliens or future events that may happen and see clearly in your mind as if you are really there with your awareness and seeing what is happening is really special. Here is the latest and they are really thought provoking.

To Follow Jesus or do we worship him

Jesus is our example but we must be One with God Unlike the 4th century church of Constantine that declared Jesus to be God, the original disciples and first followers of Jesus saw him as a man who lived such a holy and consecrated life (see  Ebionite HomePage ), that he became At-One with God -- and thus became the Divine Pattern that all men must emulate.   Their view of him was that he was the firstborn -- or the first resurrected to the Kingdom -- the first of the prodigal sons to return home from among us, his brothers.   This is especially seen in the words of the Lord where he said:  “For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother”   (Matt 12:50 KJV). It is plain in the scriptures that Jesus is  “a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting”  (1 Tim 1:16 KJV).   A pattern is not something that you casually believe in -- but rather, something that you mold your life