To Follow Jesus or do we worship him

Jesus is our example but we must be One with God

Unlike the 4th century church of Constantine that declared Jesus to be God, the original disciples and first followers of Jesus saw him as a man who lived such a holy and consecrated life (see Ebionite HomePage), that he became At-One with God -- and thus became the Divine Pattern that all men must emulate.   Their view of him was that he was the firstborn -- or the first resurrected to the Kingdom -- the first of the prodigal sons to return home from among us, his brothers.   This is especially seen in the words of the Lord where he said: “For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother” (Matt 12:50 KJV).
It is plain in the scriptures that Jesus is “a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting” (1 Tim 1:16 KJV).   A pattern is not something that you casually believe in -- but rather, something that you mold your life after.   Moreover, if Jesus is the pattern, then Jesus is the very standard by which all men are to be judged.   Why?   Because if Jesus was a man who was able to perfect himself by fulfilling the Royal Law within himself, and be resurrected into the Kingdom, then all our excuses for leading carnal and immoral lives are without merit -- i.e., because this same standard would then be expected of us -- the Lord's brothers and sisters.  Being of Light


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