
What are mainstream doctors like Corrupt AMA instructs American doctors to polish their social profiles and actively solicit positive reviews The AMA says the best way to bury negative reviews is to drown them in (fake) positive ones that are drummed up through solicitation. This is part of the “game plan” for doctors and their staff, because the pandemic is like a game, where the losers all take the blood-clotting bioweapon jabs, while the winners laugh in back rooms and at training seminars that teach them how to sling propaganda and lies about Covid.

The 6 Stages of (Resisting) Change

The 6 Stages of (Resisting) Change What happens when we resist change, and why is change inevitable? Whether you’re someone who prefers the comforts of home or you’re an adventurous spirit who loves to explore, change can be scary – even in the best of circumstances! Even though we all have a natural desire for novelty and newness, the human psyche equates anything new or “unknown” with potential danger, and since we must face the unknown in order embrace change, most of us instinctively gravitate towards the familiar, often avoiding change altogether. Just to make matters worse, there’s a whole bunch of common clichés that tell us we should  resist change  at all costs. For example: You have to play the cards you’ve been dealt! Your fate is sealed – so just accept it! Once your bed is made, you have to lie in it! Regardless of whether we’re rhetorical victims of the “ cards we’ve been dealt ” or we’re trapped in a “ bed we’ve made ,” we’re led to believe that we have little power to c

Your Parallel Selves


Photon Energy at Ascension

II. THE NATURE OF FREE PHOTON ENERGY The importance of free photon energy for humanity can be easily perceived when one considers two basic facts that will determine the destiny of all humans on this planet. The Ascension of planet A in December 2012 will be accomplished by the huge photon wave that is coming from the central sun of the Galaxy and will ultimately transform the current carbon-based bodies of the ascending human entities in  crystalline-based, light bodies  (see “ Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction.. ) . Time of Grace for more to be prepared for the Ascension since it didn't happen in 2012. (my note) This is one of the infinite functions and applications of photon energy. At the same time, this photon tsunami, coming from the central sun of Alcyone, will unleash a huge devastation on the remaining earth (planet B) and will render all engines of power, such as electric grid, power stations, and electronic devices, engines of combustion, such as car engin

What you Eat To Heal and or Harm You

Food Can make a difference in how you feel so you don't want to overdo or not have enough of the right kind.   Yes, it helps in your wellbeing to choose rightly.

Cute, Beautiful and Well Made Crocheted Dolls.

Cute dolls

How To Crochet | VERY SLOW DEMONSTRATION | Single Crochet Stitch
