The Wonderful 5D experience

Dear friend,
Here is a deep and very beautiful message that has come to me in the last two days. Their importance grew as I received them, and now I am honored to share them with you all.
As I meditate, I receive the message that Georgi and Daniela are to go to a nearby beach. I am briefly shown a large door with several bright paths leading away from the central door. The vision develops quickly and then disappears. I get a clear message about where to go and that there will be more clarity when they are there. I am waiting to hear from them what they have experienced there, but then I notice that my body feels very tired and I have a lot of extreme pain.
Arriving at this beach, they experience a wave of energy with such heavy vibrations that they have difficulty walking with dizziness, and Georgi realizes he is shaking. He has already noticed this reaction at the Infinity Portal in White Rock, near Vancouver. They need to stop and rest to empathize with the energies before returning home.
Upon her return, I get the photos of the area and am again in a state of deep awareness that shows me exactly what happened during her visit. First of all, I am once again shown the beautiful, centrally located, decorated door opening, from which several beautiful, crystalline paths lead. When I looked at this beautiful, ornate door, she opens suddenly and immediately flooded with a stream of brillantesten pure white light out so breathtaking that I could swear that I this brilliant purified white light in the most beautiful harmonic tones heard had. It sounds like sphere music! I know right away that this light is the universal Christ Consciousness energy, paired with pure Ascension energyIt is beyond radiant!
The crystalline paths are illuminated individually and reflect delicate colors in a crystalline light. While the colors available are breathtaking, the nicest thing is my awareness of the subtle energies that flow through my fields that emerge from each of these paths. The energies do not just rise for me individually, they are also interwoven and whirl around the energy of pure white light. A wheel of light! It is really remarkable!
Visions of the Buddha, Mother Mary, Christ, Shiva, and Kali-Ma, representing the profound spiritual changes that lead to our transcendence, the Green Tara with Raphael and Hilarion, and of course, our beloved St. Germain, rise before my inner eye. I sense the presence of Paul, the Venetian projecting his pink love energy, and the surprising presence of Pallas Athena and her powerful, penetrating essence of justice. I feel the energies of love, peace, and goodness so strong that tears come to my eyes.
Finally, I feel a deep current that goes over everything, and that is faithful basic trust. It is now, more than ever, so important to trust believers! This trust is sustained by infinite inner courage, which expresses that the consciousness of humanity will expand in this life, for sure. I know that all humanity will be able to connect with love after we have passed through this portal.
It is now clear to me that there are many overlapping energies in the ascending levels. There are a number of energies that represented this multi-dimensional portal, and although their knowledge comes to me as colored rays, I am aware that the colors are not as important as the essence of the energy in each ray. These new rays and I say they are new because they are crystalline and carry the essence of feeling in their quantum structures, are now being embedded into this reality in our energetic fields at the quantum level with this new portal, and I know that they are The basis for the newly ascended earth, which lies immediately in front of us.
Now, more than ever, we must use our inner strength to return to wholeness. We have to see the light in the world now! We have to trust.
As I write this message, all the Masters of the Ascended Brotherhood and Sisterhood are gathered above me, giving instructions for a tool to create your own wheels of light and life. You can now create your own wheel by using the powerful energies of this full moon portal, or later anytime you are led. They overwhelm us all with love and peace.
With infinite love,


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