Is it Real Divine Guidance, or Just Your Imagination? Here's How to Know.

  Here are the lists of qualities which distinguish true from false guidance, for each of the senses:
Feeling Heaven’s Messages
               An emotional or physical “feeling” is the way in which most people receive Divine guidance.
True Divine Guidance Involving Feelings
               Such an encounter may:
               •             Feel warm and cuddly, like a loving hug
               •             Make you feel safe, even if it’s warning you of danger
               •             Often be accompanied by disembodied fragrances of flowers                                           
               •             Leave an indent in the couch or bed, as if someone has just sat next to you
               •             Cause air-pressure or temperature changes
               •             Feel like someone is touching your head, hair, or shoulder
               •             Cause you to be sleepy or hyper afterward
               •             Give you a feeling that “this is real”
               •             Create repetitious and consistent gut feelings to make a positive life change, or to take a certain step                     
               •             Feel natural, as if the experience is coming to you freely


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