Living and Communicating with Others

Your natural tendency  with your nature is to let your ego  and thoughts in your mind  kind of take control and whatever you have an urge to do whether it is from negative thoughts or from kind and good thoughts you let them control your feelings.   now it is the time to pay attention to those thoughts and decide whether they are helping you to feel better or whether  they kind of get your feelings down.

Now if someone is available nearby, you and wants to communicate with you and the words said by the other person kind of affected you the wrong way, what you say and how you respond, will make a difference in how you feel as well as how they feel  about themselves as well as how they want to reply back to you.  So it is best to consider carefully and chose loving thoughts that can come out as words that are positive ad leave the person feeling okay about themselves as well as reply in like manner that you both may feel uplifted and loved.

Now that also goes for communicating online such as email, chat or and forum when what you say is uplifting or you respond in a way that gets them either angry or with a desire to reply unkindly.
Sometimes too much information given isn't they would like to read but usually when you show a caring and interest in their well-being they will feel less used and more accepted just the way they are.

Everyone has  interests and beliefs related to what they are like and what they have learned that pertains to their past  and sometimes just pure interest in the subject, so trying to get someone interested in what you have to say or show them from a web page that has a subject related to what you have found out that interests you and that you hope interests them, may either annoy them, bore them or interest them  to find out more.  So be careful what you say and write because we are dealing with people that are similar  but still there desires  may be there or perhaps they are not ready for your  ideas.  Let is be  and work on your own spiritual development.

Just touching on the idea with very few words may trigger an interest  and when and if they respond, there is no need to overwhelm them, but wait and see if there are some questions.  

No need to be discouraged by others ways but always let your heart be pure towards others no matter what the state of mind they may be in.    You need peace and do what you feel right about doing whether you get a response or not.
It isn't that important what others think of you


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